Dubuque Irish Hooley Queen Application


  1. Application must be submitted via the Irish Hooley website by October 31, 2015
  2. The Irish Hooley Queen Committee will contact selected applicants for a phone interview.
  3. The committee will select and contact five candidates to be part of the Irish Hooley Queen’s Court. The five members of the court will be invited to the crowing ceremony.
  4. The Queen will be crowned at a Hooley sponsored event in late 2015/early 2016

Official Duties:

  • Attend the Dubuque Irish Hooley events. Participation includes introducing bands and events during the 3-day festival.
  • Participate in University of Dubuque Heritage Center “The Celtic Tenors” Concert – December 11th, 2015
  • Participate in the St. Patrick’s Day Street Festival – March 12, 2016

Benefits of being crowned the Hooley Queen:

  • 4 -Tickets to the Irish Hooley Unplugged – Thursday August 25, 2016
  • 4 – 2-day passes for the Irish Hooley Festival – Friday and Saturday, August 26-27, 2016
  • Invitation to the Hooley After Party – Saturday, August 27, 2016
  • By submitting this application, you agree that, if you are chosen as the Hooley Queen, The Dubuque Hooley Board may use your name and image in promoting The Irish Hooley and its events, including The Hooley Hustle, and the St. Patrick’s Day Street Festival.


Countdown to the Irish Hooley!

Tickets will be available for purchase starting June 1st, 2024 at the following locations

Shamrock Imports
Happy's Place
Premier Bank Locations
Family Beer and Liquor
Tickets are $15 in advance at these locations.
$20 the day of the Hooley.
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